Posts in Eye Am
Black Lives Matter FOREVER

America – the land of the great. The land where if you are not white, you probably fear for your life. The massive protests that have been going on lately because of the death of George Floyd – may his soul rest in eternal peace have been all over social media. All over the world, people got to see what truly happens in the land of the great. If you are black, your average day can very easily turn into hell, or as we have seen from recent and past events your life can very easily end.

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Love Collection in British GQ Magazine!

One of our best collections is featured in GQ Magazine! As one of the most prestigious men’s magazines, it’s such an honor to team up with the team in GQ and spread the message behind our collection. When we were creating this collection, we wanted to create a collection for you that will allow you to express yourself. Like we often like to say – you are what you wear.

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What is Father’s Day?

One of the most celebrated holidays of the year is upon us – Father’s Day. And it’s natural to want to celebrate your parents, right? When we are young, we don’t understand how much effort our parents put in to raise us, how many sleepless nights they had when we were sick, and how hard they worked so that we can have everything we need in our lives.

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Mastering your Mind 101: Why should you control your thoughts?

With the launch of our new ZEN collection, we bring you, Renew, a tee reminding you to renew your mind, body and spirit! In our Zen collection, we are focused on the importance of thoughts and their impact on inner peace. Many eastern teachings such as mindfulness and meditation can be helpful for controlling your thoughts and that was our inspiration. Mastering your mind 101. Why do you think you should control your thoughts?

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Why is it important to be Independent?

Being your own self, without anyone telling you what to do or what to think is called independence. As you were growing up, you were probably raised to become independent, move out and get a job after college. It’s probably one of the most important things that the way of living in today’s society is trying to teach you – the importance of independence. 

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Why is the Image of yourself important for YOU?

One of the things that happen all over the world is bringing quick judgments. There is a huge amount of things that are appropriate in today’s society and a huge amount that aren’t. And people have somehow put judging into the bracket of appropriate things. And this kind of thinking has left us with an imprint in our minds. We seem to care more about what other people will say than what we think about ourselves. We desperately seek for society’s approval and all we get is more judgment in return. 

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