What is Father’s Day?
One of the most celebrated holidays of the year is upon us – Father’s Day. And it’s natural to want to celebrate your parents, right? When we are young, we don’t understand how much effort our parents put in to raise us, how many sleepless nights they had when we were sick, and how hard they worked so that we can have everything we need in our lives.
“I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.”
They helped us become who we are today. Our dads, hold a special place in our hearts. Although at times harsh, they have always loved us with all their hearts. And this special day is to all the wonderful fathers in the world that give their soul and heart for their children.
How did Father’s Day start?
Well, through history in various religions there were always holidays that celebrated our fathers that dated back to the Middle Ages. It goes only to say how crucial the importance of our parents is in our lives. Although the tradition was discontinued often, it lived on because of the gratitude and love we all share for our parents.
Finally, the flames of tradition were sparked up about 100 years ago in 1908 by a girl who wanted to celebrate the life of her father who had passed away in a mining disaster. However, the tradition didn’t continue until the next year, when a girl named Sonora listened to a sermon about Mother’s day and decided she loved both her parents equally – and wanted to celebrate a day for her father as well.
“My dad has given me the best gift anyone has ever given me. He gave me wings to fly.”
Although she wanted to celebrate it on 5th June, because of the necessities for preparations, it was pushed back for a couple of weeks later. And so, the tradition continued again.
To all of the amazing Father’s in the world – Happy Father’s Day!