Why is the Image of yourself important for YOU?
One of the things that happen all over the world is bringing quick judgments. There is a huge amount of things that are appropriate in today’s society and a huge amount that aren’t. And people have somehow put judging into the bracket of appropriate things.
““We live our lives supposing things are as they appear to be when that is almost never the case.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich”
But how is it appropriate to judge anyone if you have no input about anything that person has been through?
How can you judge if you haven’t lived their lives?
Well, people seem to judge by the clothes we are wearing and they seem to be very quick about their judgment. For example, if you go into certain circles of today’s society and you don’t have the appropriate clothes (with the appropriate price of course) to tell them that you belong there, you will probably not be allowed to be even near them. And this kind of thinking has left us with an imprint in our minds. We seem to care more about what other people will say than what we think about ourselves. We desperately seek for society’s approval and all we get is more judgment in return.
Who cares what clothes you are wearing?
Who cares what image about you people have?
You do. But you shouldn't!
Nothing, of the above, will change who YOU really ARE.
And that is so wonderful you are not even aware how wonderfully beautiful that is! You are yourself, and there isn’t anything more that you should strive to be than just that. Be messy, clumsy, feminist or any kind of an activist, and you will be beautiful no matter what you are. No matter how much you hate some of your characteristics that you have I guarantee you there is a completely different positive side to it that you haven’t thought about. And that is simply it.
The only important thing is to see the real image of yourself and appreciate it. And that process of accepting yourself and appreciating every aspect of yourself without giving a damn what people have to say about it is what means to be a SUBLIMINAL.