The road to Self - How to accept yourself?

When it comes to having healthy self-respect for yourself, the most crucial thing is to accept yourself. Of course, accepting yourself is never an easy process. In today's way of life, it seems that expressing hate is more common and more accepted than expressing love. It has become a common acceptance that to love, makes you vulnerable. And this encourages hate, violence, bullying and emotional abuse. When faced with any of the above repetitively, the self-respect you had for yourself diminishes. But, you can't give up! Here are 5 tips on how to accept yourself:

How to Accept Yourself?


One of the first things you do when you come into this world is observing. It is the very first skill that you learn as a human being. And one of the most useful. By observing you learn how the world functions. Which is why you should pay more attention to yourself. Observing yourself gives you the opportunity to learn more about different aspects of yourself. In the end, you need to know yourself better if you want to accept yourself.

Try to understand

Don't just observe, try to understand yourself better. If you don' like some parts of yourself, ask yourself why do you have such a negative reaction to them. Why are you acting in a way that is hurtful and disrespectful to yourself? Getting the answers to these questions can really shine some light and help you to get into the right mindset of acceptance.

Don't be too serious

Even if there are some parts of yourself that you dislike, you have to remember to be kinder to yourself. You can't always do everything perfectly and that is okay. You should give yourself credit for your efforts and hard work instead of focusing on the negatives. You are worthy!

How to accept yourself?

Shift your perspective

No matter what happens, there are always two sides to the coin. It's all about which perspective you are focusing on. You have to remember that you are in charge. That means that no matter the situation you are in, you always have a choice on how you will see things. So, try to focus on the positive!

Use affirmations

"I am" are very powerful words. Whatever you put in front of them, will start to get pounded in your mind. So, don't plant seeds that will have a negative outcome. Use affirmations, and use them wisely. Choose your top three affirmations and repeat them every day. 

We are hoping that these few tips will help you to rediscover the love and acceptance for yourself. Because you are worthy, and we know it. It's time for you to know it as well. Accept yourself. Be you. Be subliminal to the core!

Tune in to our blog to learn more about Self-Respect and Accepting yourself!