Type Lit - The Spiritual Way

Trying to get some positive vibes into your life? Well, it's easier said than done. This is because the solutions you can find on the internet don't last long. That is because positivity and happiness comes from within. Being in a constant state of happiness is well, closest to the slang - lit. And for you to become lit in a refined way, you have to work on yourself. You have to learn how to accept yourself. As you accept every part of yourself, you will become absolutely spiritually lit! And you will become intoxicated by positive vibes in your life.


What is the meaning of Lit?

You have probably all been there once. You had a little more to drink, and somehow instead of being your usual tipsy self, you stand there, and you can't do anything but smile. In the dictionary, you will find that this condition, being intoxicated by some agent, and the only thing you can do is smile is the very definition of the slang for Lit. Now, we know what you are thinking. What does drinking have to do with spirituality? What does alcohol have to do anything with accepting yourself?

Well, you are right, not much. But, that state of being in a sort of bliss where you can't help yourself but smile, that is the Spiritual way of Lit.

When you accept yourself, there are no more strings that pull you down and hold you back. You are getting rid of the weight that you have put on yourself all these years by simply letting go. And that freedom, that lightness, and relief, it's like nothing you have experienced before. And you can't help yourself but smile. So, you are being Lit in a more refined, spiritual way.

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But, that state won't stay too long if you don't work on yourself. Being so overwhelmed by positivity that you become Lit, is not something that can stay with you constantly if you don't give in some effort. You need to work on yourself, respect yourself and most important - to know yourself well enough so you won't even disrespect yourself.

Once you have respect for yourself, you know what true respect feels like. And that awakens a new part of you - respect for everything you have, for your family, for the wonderful friends you have and for every day you are given to exist. And that state of eccentric happiness that overwhelms you and puts you in a state of being Lit, will become something that sticks with you. Even more, it will become a part of you and who you are.

Are you ready to get Spiritually Lit?

Tune in to our blog to learn more about Self-Respect and Humorous Awareness!