How to become more Independent?
When it comes to being independent, it’s quite a challenge in these days. Being your own self, without anybody telling you what to do is pretty hard to achieve. Everyone wants you to be something you are not, someone that you don’t recognize. But independence isn’t about doing what others want, it’s about what you want. Who do you want to be, what do you want to do, every choice you make is speaking about you. And what it says is whether you have lived a life you like, as an independent person, or pleased others as a codependent person.
Here are 5 tips to become more Independent:

1. Spend time with yourself
If you want to be more independent, you need to know yourself well. After all, how can you take matters into your own hands if you don’t have a specific goal on your mind? Give yourself time, try out new things and see what makes you happy.
2. Do what is good for you
Even if you are a people pleaser by nature, you have to put yourself first. Think of it this way, how can you give people love if you aren’t feeling well? This means, it’s okay to say no. It’s okay to do something that is good for you. It’s perfectly fine to take good care of yourself. Healthy self-love is very important on your road to becoming independent.
3. Give yourself some credit
If you are not thinking much of yourself, it’s time to stop that right now. You need to learn how much you are worth. Often you might not even be realizing that you are undermining yourself. It’s time to stop that cycle. It’s time to learn your worth and become more independent.

4. Do something you love
Your job is a big part of your life. This means that you should love what you do. It’s very important to spend your time with something that you love doing, because you will have a sense of fulfillment in your life. A sense of purpose. Something that completes you as an independent person.
5. Think for yourself
It’s okay to listen to others opinions. It’s not okay to blindly accept them just because they sounded interesting. It’s time to take matters into your own hands. Question everything, read up, explore. In these era of never-ending knowledge that is in the grasp of your palm, it’s a shame not to.
Tune in to our blog to learn more about independence!