Posts tagged Black Lives Matter
The Life Of Chadwick Boseman

This year has been marked with loss and struggle. Among the people we lost is one of the most inspiring legendary heroes - Chadwick Boseman. We are simply devastated by his death, and the news was truly unreal for us. However, we strongly believe that if his legacy lives on, if the lessons he taught us live on within us, then his beautiful life will gain an even more important meaning. Today we will go over Chadwick Boseman’s life and remember his legacy.

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Why Are The Black Lives Matter Protests Important?

All over the world, the Black Lives Matter Movement protests are shaking up our reality! The whole 2020 has been like that – with the corona crisis, our everyday lives have become simpler, and quieter. And that silence has helped us hear the voices of the oppressed. The whole world saw that racial equality is just spoken in words in America, however in reality America is very far from equality.

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Black Lives Matter FOREVER

America – the land of the great. The land where if you are not white, you probably fear for your life. The massive protests that have been going on lately because of the death of George Floyd – may his soul rest in eternal peace have been all over social media. All over the world, people got to see what truly happens in the land of the great. If you are black, your average day can very easily turn into hell, or as we have seen from recent and past events your life can very easily end.

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