Black Lives Matter FOREVER

America – the land of the great. The land where if you are not white, you probably fear for your life.

The massive protests that have been going on lately because of the death of George Floyd – may his soul rest in eternal peace have been all over social media.

All over the world, people got to see what truly happens in the land of the great.

If you are black, your average day can very easily turn into hell, or as we have seen from recent and past events your life can very easily end.

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter

One moment you are walking on the sidewalk, and the next you are dead. In the land of the great, the police officers have all the power. And many of the police officers are racist and overly aggressive. A deadly combination for any black individual that is going on about their day. And we’ve had enough.

Why should someone’s skin color automatically make them a target in the police’s eyes? Why should black individuals fear for their life when they see a police officer, even if they are just going back from work? When will the black community’s mere existence stop being a reason for them to be victims of police brutality?

We want to make one thing clear – this is NOT a recent issue. It has been an issue that has been swept under the rug every single time it has been brought to life for years. Many have been arrested, many have died from police brutality, and yet nothing has been done. On the news one day, and on with your life the next – while people die.

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter

People suffer every day. People live in fear. They are terrified to go out and go on with their day. They are terrorized, attacked, offended, and abused, every day in one way or another. Is that how life is supposed to be? Is that the glorified better life in the land of the great?

We have been proud supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement way before we founded our brand. Because we know that racism and racial segregation are still a huge problem in America. We wanted to bring light to this issue, but as always these issues are being swept under the rug.

However, it’s different now. The whole world has witnessed the horrifying death of George Floyd. And the whole world is devastated.

The whole world is angry, frustrated, and furious that lives can be taken away so easily, that reason means nothing when under the police’s foot is a black person.

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter

How long will we stand for this? How long will people look the other way and say that it’s not a big deal? IT IS A BIG DEAL! What if that was your child?Your brother or sister? Your mother or father?

When does it end? It ends when we put our foot down and we say – “We are not going to stand for this anymore!”

And the whole world is waking up and seeing the issue. The whole world will not stand for this anymore. The Black Lives Matter movement has been given massive support from the whole world, for which we are so grateful!

It’s devastating that Floyd is not here with us to witness the waves of change. But it’s happening. We know it. We will not rest until justice has been served, and things don’t change. Will you?

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter

Join the Black Lives Matter movement and help out as much as you can, show your support openly, every voice matters, every statement, every tiniest donation, every support in any way that you can muster might change someone’s mind, open people’s soul, and make them understand that no matter our skin color, we are one and the same.

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter

We always were and we will always be one and the same.