How To Love Yourself?
One of the hardest things to do in the 21st century is to love yourself. Yes, you’ve heard it right! Although we have all these gadgets, technology, apps, self-help books on every corner, still they don’t even come close to close the gap inside us. In fact, one may even argue that the more information we have at our disposal, the less effort we make to actually use it. We live in a very strange world.
We value ourselves based on a list of everyday task, that a normal person can’t even come close to accomplishing in three whole days, and yet when we fail at the end of the day the thought that comes to mind is not: “I should have been more aware of the time it will take to accomplish these tasks, and planned better”. It’s always the: “I wasn’t good enough to finish them”. These small mindsets, and thoughts that pop inside our minds diminish our whole concept of self-value and self-love.
“To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.”
And part of the issue is how our society works. We very rarely see the concept of self-love being explained and valued in society as a whole, and while growing up most of the parents out there didn’t teach us about self-love, probably because they were struggling with it too, or because our society didn’t value it as an important aspect of life to be taught to each individual. The other part is blindly accepting these self-harming concepts, and never developing self-love. Yes, while you were younger, you didn’t know better, there was no one to teach you or guide you towards self-love.
However, now that you are all grown up, you sense that something is missing, the gap is growing wider, and you know you are missing out on something, right? Life wasn’t meant to be lived as a list of tasks, that you must do, regardless of your wellbeing. Life is meant to be enjoyed and valued, and the only way you are going to enjoy life is if you work on yourself and close the gap within that sucks the fun out of life.
“Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.”
You have to understand that self-love is not selfish –it’s a necessity for living a healthy, fulfilling life. It’s a necessity for fully growing, developing this whole other side of yourself that you didn’t even realize existed, and most importantly, it’s crucial for helping you awaken your full capacity to love. For us, self-love is a deep appreciation of who you are, how far you’ve come in life, and in appreciating the fact that you are alive, right here, right now. So, how can you achieve self-love? Here are a few tips:
Shift your thought patterns
Having the same thoughts over and over again will only bring you to the same actions from the past. That’s why you have to work on shifting your thought patterns. The easiest way to do so is by simply using the power of affirmations. Change the way you perceive yourself If you have a negative outlook towards yourself that you can’t seem to shift, then you have to work on breaking off those negative perceptions and set new, more realistic ones. Work on noting down exactly what you don’t like about yourself, and try to shift your negative sides into positive ones. Remember – nobody is perfect, so stop judging yourself so harshly!
Forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made
Speaking of imperfections – we have all made mistakes that we regret deeply. However, that doesn’t mean that you should beat yourself up about them your whole life. Learn to forgive yourself, and move on!
Take good care of yourself
You have to get it out of your head that you are disposable, and that your well-being doesn’t matter. You have to own up to yourself, take a few moments to think and realize what you need, and then go ahead and do it. You can’t keep overworking yourself and expect to be healthy! So, every day do something nice for yourself, and take good care of yourself!