Black Lives Matter 

Black Lives Matter – it’s something you are hearing more often these days. You might think that it is just a common phrase, but in reality, Black Lives Matter is a movement for racial equality. As you can see, it has a much deeper meaning than you might have given it a thought. And so a question arises:

Isn’t it common sense that all lives matter?
Is the Black Lives Matter movement really necessary?

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Yes, all lives matter, we should all be treated equally, regardless of your race, gender, age or physical appearance. In reality, though, things are very different. Women get lower payments for the same job as their male associates and racism is more often than you’d think it would be. After such a long time, things changed, but not enough. So many injustices are happening and it is clear as day that to you as people, not all lives are treated equally. 

Black Lives Matter is a movement that fights against racial segregation and racism. In general, African-American people are more prone to become victims of police brutality. And that is shown through everyday reports. Every day on the news there is a case of police brutality where young African-American boys are the victims. It has been happening so often that it’s not even considered as news anymore. And that attitude, the one where it’s not considered as news, the one where you couldn’t be bothered since it’s going to happen anyway is the core of the problem.

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The change starts with you. Staying quiet is no longer an option. We need to fight, together against these horrible injustices in the society.

So, join the movement, because when you think about it, this movement is needed and essential in the fight against racism. We are all equally worthy of being treated with respect and dignity. So, fight on and bring the waves of change!