Why Are The Black Lives Matter Protests Important?

All over the world, the Black Lives Matter Movement protests are shaking up our reality! The whole 2020 has been like that – with the corona crisis, our everyday lives have become simpler, and quieter.

And that silence has helped us hear the voices of the oppressed. The whole world saw that racial equality is just spoken in words in America, however in reality America is very far from equality.


It’s very sad and discouraging that in this devastating corona crisis, we still can’t find in in our hearts to see beyond race and things that divide us.

But even so, this crisis seems like it brought the whole world together, and all over the world, the Black Lives Matter Movement is finally getting massive support. It’s the change that we need.

The massive protests are bringing results, and we shouldn’t stop protesting, we shouldn’t stop the fight for equality, we should push on forward, and bring change for a better present and future. Our reality is in our own hands, right here, right now.

Why Are The Protests Important?

Although we are in the middle of quarantine, with the Covid19 virus crisis, the protests are still keeping up. It’s a personal choice for every person whether they will or will not join the protests.


However, these massive protests have been given massive support. People have been living in fear for too long. They don’t want to stay silent.

And although these issues stir mostly in the USA, the whole world joined and has given their support. They are important, even in the middle of the coronavirus crisis. And here is why:

Bringing Awareness To The Issue

Racial inequality and police brutality are both issues that in the USA a lot of people have been struggling with. It has gone to the point that just being black and in the proximity of a police officer is the cause of fear for their lives.

It’s the everyday reality in America, and that’s horrible. However, this issue hasn’t been given proper attention until now. People simply don’t understand the fear in which the black community in America lives in.


They don’t understand that the black community lives and reality are completely different than theirs simply because their skin color makes them a target in the eyes of the police.

The protests are bringing awareness that even though slavery might have been abolished from America, racial inequality hasn’t. And that will never be okay!

Inspiring & Bringing Change

Every protest that has happened in the history of protesting has happened because the people in charge are not listening to the people they are serving.

We all want to live free, joyful, fulfilling lives, but how can that happen when in the eyes of the people who are charged for keeping the peace, the race is simply an excuse for abusing their power?

The black community has been the target of police brutality for too long. It’s time for a change. We want our society to change, and although we make society and the change has to start from us, it also has to happen on a larger scale.

We have to address this issue before more lives are lost, more people suffer needlessly, and more people live in fear for their lives even though they haven’t done anything wrong.

As many of the protesters express:

Color is not a crime!


The whole world has spoken, it’s time for a change, we can’t keep things the way they were before and we shouldn’t! It’s time to create a new, better life for all of us. It’s time for a change.

Giving Support To The Oppressed

Can you even imagine the fear in which the black community lives in and has lived in? All that fear and terror, while most of the world acts like everything is fine and normal. And it’s not. Living in constant fear is no way to live life. No one should live in fear.

We all have this beautiful life given to us equally, and no one should be oppressed, attacked, and targeted because of their race. It’s unacceptable.

These protests are not only our voice for change but also a source of comfort and support to the oppressed.

Their voices are finally being heard. Their fear is finally acknowledged, and the time for change has come. It’s time for true equality to take place in our society.

Support The Black Lives Matter Movement!