RYM Collection Featured In GQUK Magazine!


Renew Your MIND

featured in GQ June Magazine!


One of our newer collections has gotten featured in the British GQ Magazine! It’s one of the most prestigious men’s magazines with which we have collaborated and got our collections featured a few times already, and we are so honored to continue our collaboration with the GQ Magazine for the month of June as well!

This time our Renew Your Mind Collection has gotten featured in the GQ magazine. As with every collection which we create, the Collection wasn’t created on a whim just because it looks great. It has a deep meaning and a message as well as every collection we create.


This time we wanted to convey that leading a fulfilling, happy life is in your grasp at every moment in your life – the only thing that is holding you back is the mindset that society has imposed on you, or it’s just yourself and unwillingness to let go of the past.

Either way, the message behind RenewYour Mind collection is that even in the harshest moments in life, even in the hardest conditions, your life is in our hands, how you live it is your decision – it’s all up to you! Every moment can be a new beginning if you only adapt to your mindset.

Often in life society imposes a lot of standards that we need to live up to. Go to school, then college, work from dusk till dawn to pay off your educational debts, find a partner, get married, have a bunch of kids, and on and on it goes. And the saddest thing is this is how society values success.

Even if you are unhappy, if you have achieved these standards, society will still deem your life as highly successful. But what does success in the eyes of society mean when you are unhappy and unfulfilled? Life is different for everyone.

But what is most important in life is that you are happy, that you are pleased with yourself and your life – even if you don’t follow society’s standards.

But our society’s standards all that is holding you back? Sometimes you are in a very difficult situation, or you simply impose high standards on yourself.

That next promotion, that next task on a list of endless tasks, that new goal, that new something that you think when you accomplish it in the future it will grant you happiness in the future it’s the mindset that is holding you back.

Your life is right here, right now – this is all you have to work with. The past is long gone, the future is unpredictable, and it may even not come to be, but now you are alive, right here at this moment.


At this moment you can decide to remake your life, to be happy now, and not hold happiness as a distant reward when you accomplish your goal. Here at Subliminal Tees, we believe that leading a fulfilling life is not a formula of standards, but rather a unique life for every person.

Your life is your own. And even if you have missed out on some things, you can always restart, and renew yourself. You just need the right mindset. You just need the right thoughts.

Because everything you do, everything that you have created in your life, starting with one single thought in your mind. You imagined it, and you made it into a reality. Kind of powerful to realize, don’t you think?

That specific mindset where you nourish your mind, through mindfulness, meditation, and harnessing the life energy that helps you regain your power to renew your life is exactly what our new RYM collection stands for.

Because you need a reminder that every day, any time can be the time where you write a new, better chapter of your life.

We hope you enjoy our new collection! Renew your MIND!