4 Main Human Rights Issues That Need Major Attention
Although today we have the human rights to ensure equality for the whole human race, still breaches to human rights occur. In fact, there are many major issues in our society concerning human rights. Here are are the 4 main human rights issues that need major attention in 2020:
Propaganda And Fake News
One of the biggest issues, and breaches of human rights, that is at the root of many issues and segregations in society are the power of fake news. Ever since the dawn of social media, this issue has become very hard to deal with, because it's very easy to spread fake news and propaganda. This not only breaches one of the basic human rights - the right to know the truth, but it's also the reason for segregation, hate, and abuse between fellow human beings.
“Once we looked to the mainstream media to inform us. Now we’ve grown leery of fake news.”
In fact, the latest outbreak of the Corona Virus, accompanied by fake news and propaganda that follows has caused a lot of panic and hate between people on a global level. We urge everyone to read up on any subject by trusted mediums that will deliver the facts and the truth. In the meantime, fake news and propaganda remain one of the main human rights issues at the moment.
“Disreputable and heinous acts are often carried out in the name of the nation. Nations do not always abide by the truth; instead truth is manipulated and distorted.”
Racism And Xenophobia
The second human rights issue that has recently started to intensify (although we are struggling with it for a long time) is racism and xenophobia. In fact, the earliest draft of human rights was written because of race-based slavery and segregation.
“Men build too many walls and not enough bridges.”
Today we live in a very different world, yet racism persists. Regardless of the race of an individual, down to our core, we are all human - we are all equal, and we deserve equal rights, and we deserve equal respect. Because of the corona outbreak, and the magnitude of fake news because of the global crisis, racism and xenophobia are on the rise.
“Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.”
That shouldn't be the case! Remain respectful, calm, and get properly informed, so that we can focus on the issue at hand, without causing any more issues, and human rights breaches.
Gender Fluidity
The third human rights issue of the 2020s is one that has risen to attention in the last few years - gender fluidity.
“Love has no gender - compassion has no religion - character has no race.”
Because we are so set in our old ways, in viewing either black or white, female or male which has risen many issues in the past, and is still causing issues today, accepting that gender doesn't have to be set in stone, but rather as a fluid concept that can change comes hard for our current society. Change in our concepts is necessary, but more than anything else - empathy and understanding.
“You can’t move forward—you can’t have people love you, you can’t look at other people and accept them for who they are—unless you completely love yourself.”
Sexual Harassment And Abuse
Last, but not the least, the fourth major human rights issue that we should be dealing with is no doubt sexual harassment. Harassment in the workplace and objectifying fellow colleagues in the workplace isn't a rather new issue, however, it's an important one.
“If your flirting strategy is indistinguishable from harassment, it’s not everyone else that’s the problem.”
Remaining respectful, treating everyone with dignity, especially your fellow colleagues, whom you share work with, difficulties, and friendship is necessary. Raising more attention to this issue is crucial so that we can stop the cruelty and pain of everyone who has dealt with sexual harassment.