3 Types Of Love We Learn Through Life


Through life, love is the force that drives us through life. In one kind or other, love finds its way through our lives and helps us understand its meaning. Whether you are passionate about the work you have been doing at your job, you met a special someone, or you are just taking good care of yourself, the basis of all of these wonderful actions is love. And although it might be love that drives you through life, there are different types of love that drive you.

For example, no matter how passionate you might be for your work, nothing can replace the hug of a loved one. This is why, it’s important to be mindful of the different types of love, and explore which type of love is a priority for you, which type of love you are lacking, and which type of love you might need to improve. Here are the three most basic types of love that you should learn about through life:




1. Unconditional Love

The only way love can last a lifetime is if it’s unconditional. The truth is this: love is not determined by the one being loved but rather by the one choosing to love.
— Stephen Kendrick

The very first type of love any child born into this world experiences is the unconditional love of its parents. In fact, unconditional love is the pillar from which all other types of love are born. As the very first love we experience as children, it nourishes our growth into adults and sets the ground for every other type of love we experience through life.

It teaches us to accept the world, to be kinder, better, stronger, to help others, to be more compassionate and loving. In a way, by being raised with unconditional love, we develop the ability to love unconditionally ourselves, without boundaries and limitations. It’s truly the purest love of all.




2. Self-Love

To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness
— Robert Morley

Although unconditional love is the purest love of all and it’s very important for your personal growth, it’s also important to not only give love outwards but also inwards. Self-love is a healthy way to nourish yourself, respect yourself, and accept yourself, regardless of your quirks and flaws. It’s important to learn to love yourself because constantly giving out love without taking good care of yourself will eventually burn you out.

3. Romantic Love

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.
— Morrie Schwartz

Next is the romantic love that we all experience through our lives. We all search for that special someone, the person that we would love, cherish and spend our lifetimes with. Romantic love is very important, however, without learning first of unconditional and self-love, even with the right person, it might not work out. Although romance finds us even as early as our teenage years, often, it’s always missing something.


As you grow with unconditional love and nourish yourself with self-love through the years, you will notice that even though romantic love has found you many times over the years, it’s never quite the same. As you grow, so will romantic love transform into a pure relationship filled with understanding and respect, instead of basing it off on mindless passion and sexual attraction.

Most of the heartbreak comes when we mistake passion for true love. But it’s important that even the worst heartbreak that we have experienced we learn to accept it.

By accepting heartbreak, we can transform an experience filled with pain, into a lifelong lesson of what true love is. It’s what our Love Evol collection stands for – evolution. We like to think that every experience, even the worst ones such as heartbreak can evolve into a lesson, and with that lesson in mind, we are free to create the loving relationship we deserve in the future. After all, what is love if not, the circle of life?


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