Inspiring Feminists around the world

Even though we had big progress in our society, it seems that the differences between each other are still an issue. While yes, women can get a job today, they can pursue different career paths and don’t have to be stay at home wives, women often are oppressed in different ways. It can vary from subtitle oppression, with not getting paid as much as men for the same job position or it could be more radical such as psychological and physical torture. 


Feminism is still required, so this endless cycle of violence and misunderstandings between men and women can be brought to an end. Luckily, there are a lot of people that stand up for gender equality, and there are a lot of public figures that have openly joined the feminist movement through the ages. Were you wondering who some of them might be? 

1. Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg is a COO at Facebook and she is an outstanding feminist of today’s society. She has been fighting against workplace gender inequality and has been teaming up with Gloria Steinem to help young girl’s empowerment during the 2016 elections. 

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2. Oprah Winfrey

Disappointed by the uneven work standards when it came to gender equality, Oprah has set out on her own path. Even though she never called herself a feminist, she had given a statement that as a woman that respects herself it is impossible to live in this world and not be a feminist.

3. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Adichie has become a very impactful author in the writing world when it comes to feminism. She is most famous for her Ted talk – “We should all be Feminists”. And we should!

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4. Emma Watson

As a young actress, most known for her role in the Harry Potter movies, Emma has certainly used her popularity in the right direction. With her amazing speech in front of the UN, she has stirred feminism in the right direction. She stands behind her opinions that feminism isn’t just a women\s movement – and we encourage her initiative and agree with her!