Are we still breaching The Civil Rights?


In humanity’s history there have been many injustices and one of them, perhaps one of the biggest injustices that have been made upon people is the slavery and segregation of Afro-American people. As we all know, Afro-Americans didn’t have any rights until a couple of hundred years ago. Put on a ship, treated worse than cattle and then put into chains to work from dusk till dawn on their enslavers property. That was the cruel reality back then, that we oh so nonchalantly forget it today and dare to address Afro-American people as “black” or even “nigger”.

But why do we allow ourselves to forget such a big part of our history?

Because you are probably thinking: “it’s not my fault that my ancestors did those things, and I didn’t do anything wrong by calling someone “black”.” But the truth is, with such ways of thinking you don’t even realize that almost every Afro-American that you see today, has an ancestor that has been tortured or killed and nobody was held responsible for that since Afro-Americans didn’t have any rights. In the eyes of the enslavers, they weren’t even people because they had a different skin color. So yes, you might not have done all those things, but that’s how it started. By separating people by their skin color and thinking they are superior to them.

Hundreds of years of desecration don’t simply go forgotten, and to these people, a simple word can mean a ton of pain.

The thing is the whole concept of separation is wrong and that’s why civil rights exist. To tell us that we are all the same, that everyone is a person no matter how they look like or what their skin color is.


We are all just fellow souls that are on this journey that we were put on, and as such we should grow closer and help each other out. Instead of enlarging the distance between us, we should close the gap. Only then will we understand that we are all the one and the same.