Posts tagged Civil Rights
What are the Civil Rights?

But in recent times, everything is defined by the law, and there are quite a few laws that came after the civil rights movement, that apply to all of us. You all deserve to know your rights, knowledge, moral and firm beliefs are the core of the fight against discrimination. To join the fight, for all the people in the world that are a little different, to help them, and to help yourself, to raise your voice, you have to know before you can fight.

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Are we still breaching The Civil Rights?

In humanity’s history there have been many injustices and one of them, perhaps one of the biggest injustices that have been made upon people is the slavery and segregation of Afro-American people. But why do we allow ourselves to forget such a big part of our history? Why to we deepen the separation even though we know it can lead to devastating circumstances?

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Quick history of The Civil Rights Movement

Not so long ago, many people were oppressed and segregated because of their gender or their skin color. While things are better now, we haven’t really eradicated such deviant behaviors. But how do we improve this? How do we change the seed that has been planted in us since we were little? I have found that the best way to do this is by reminding ourselves, how far we have gone, and learn from our history.

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