Who Was Breonna Taylor?



Over the last couple of months, we have been seeing severe protests all over the world.


And hopefully, massive changes will shortly start to happen in our society because, at the moment, the system is failing us.

Instead of making our lives easier, things get more and more complicated.

Instead of building a safe, loving, compassionate community with the help of the system, instead, oppression, police violence, and racial inequality have been growing over the years.

Because of it, young lives like Breonna Taylor are lost every day, and nobody does a thing about it.

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Who Was Breonna Taylor?

Breonna Taylor was a 26-year-old African American medical technician. She was a beautiful young soul that wanted to help others so badly that she became an EMT and was working and helping in 2 hospitals.

She often talked about how much she loved her job because it was an opportunity to help others. She was a cheerful, positive, empathetic and kind young soul, whose life ended too fast.

What Happened To Breonna Taylor?

On March 13th, 2020 three officers executed a no-knock search warrant, entering her apartment.

She was fatally shot in her own home by Louisville Metro Police Department officers Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove.

Apparently the officers didn’t wear cameras on their uniforms, so there are no witnesses of what happened besides Breonna’s boyfriend and the officers that stormed her apartment.

Since March, her case has seen no progress, and no justice has been met.


Our system is constantly failing us, and young black women and men keep losing their lives.

How many more lives have to be lost before the system is changed?

How much more suffering need we see to allow these atrocities go unpunished, forgotten, slipped through the cracks of our broken system?

Tomorrow it can be you, your best friend, your sister, mother, father, brother, loved one that dies in front of your eyes, in your very own home. Are you willing to take that chance?

Disclaimer: We do not own the title image of this blog., nor do we own the images above.

Subliminal Tees