What is Feminism?

In today’s modern way of life, wherever you look, you can see strong women and men in their work clothes, rushing every morning with their coffees, working hard, doing all the tasks on their endless lists. However, despite their accomplishments, a lot of women, unfortunately, are still faced with sexism and chauvinism on a daily basis. Somehow, even though the feminist movement liberated women, it seems more like nowadays, the shackles were only given a longer chain. And that makes feminism very crucial and needed, even in today’s modern, advanced society.

What is feminism?

Feminism is a movement that started as a response to patriarchy. In the patriarchal way of life in society, women were often disregarded as insignificant part of humanity. Men held all the power in society and politics, and women were taught to stay obedient to their husbands. Men were taught that the world is within their grasp, while women were taught that their only purpose in life is to be good, obedient wives and mothers. Yes, that is the horrible truth. But, only a few hundred years later, we can see a completely different world. Women get the right to vote, pursue a life and career that they wish and most importantly – they get to be in charge of their own lives.

However, even though we have come so far, this is still not enough. And why, you might ask? Because every woman in this world, is still unbelievably sexualized, provoked, and oppressed on the streets and in the workplace too. And to see whether or not it is true, just leave a woman standing on the sideway of the street while cars pass, and leave a man on the sideway of the street while cars pass. While women will most likely endure screaming and shouting inappropriate comments, beeps from the cars, and even cars stopping by with shady people inviting women into the car, men will probably have a very uneventful day in the same scenario.

In the life of a woman, these types of situations are an everyday way of life. Which is why feminism in our society is very much needed. Not only as a support system for women, but also for the education of men. Because one day, your daughters and sons will have to live in the world we shape and leave for them. You teach by example after all. So rise above gender separatism, evolve, adapt, and help us break the shackles that separate and hold us down. Because only together, men and women can work together to build a better world for future generations. Our actions today will free the future generations of misconceptions and prejudice!

Tune in to our blog to learn more about Feminism!