West Coast Mafia – The Goon Collection

Hello everyone!


Our collaboration with West Coast Mafia has been an amazing experience. After all, who wouldn’t love to stand by a label that doesn’t accept injustice?

The modern world might have a new technology developed beyond every corner, and everything is constantly changing for the better. Or, that’s what we keep hearing everywhere, right? But, the harsh truth is that a lot of things have stayed the same, and a lot of the issues we deal with today are issues that our generations before us have dealt with before us.

It’s very easy to take a wrong turn and get yourself in a really bad situation, especially in the world we are living in now. It’s a constant battle to just make it through the day. By doing this collaboration we just want to convey our message that, no matter the circumstances, no matter the hardships that life brought you, you can always rise, be your own man or woman, and pursue a better life for yourself. Because the past doesn’t have to define you, it’s all a matter of what you let define you.


And we are especially proud because the message has been going around, spreading through our audience, and now – it will be spread even wider. Because this collection will be featured in the British GQ Magazine! Isn’t that amazing?


We are so happy that our voice has been heard, and that the message has been resonating with more and more people. Because the truth is, the system in America isn’t perfect, but neither are the systems in which this world operates. No matter where you are, there are always people who suffer injustices, by the very systems that were set up to bring justice.

It's a very common situation with which we all have to deal with at one point in our lives, some at a younger age like a few of the members of West Coast Mafia, and some at another point in our lives like us, at Subliminal Tees.


The point is – you are not alone! And we have created this collection to help you express yourself, and let your voice be heard – wherever you are!