Nipsey Hussle’s Documentary For Dr. Sebi
One of the most inspiring artists and activists in the West Coast Area was definitely Nipsey Hussle. He was a big influence on the West Coast scene, and he was one of the strong and amazing figures that inspired us to stand up or our rights. Unfortunately, Hussle’s life ended while he was very young, on March 31st, 2019 – May His Soul Rest In Peace.
Many things regarding his death were shrouded in mystery. As he was a community activist, inspired to take matters into his own hands on his journey to self-discovery in East Africa to which his father took him at the age of 19, he was doing just that before his death – taking matters into his own hands and helping wherever he could.
The official story for his death in 2019 was that Nipsey was in the parking lot of his own store, where one of his acquaintances – Eric Holder shot him 10 times, and also harmed 3 more people in the shooting. However, many people believe that his death was because on April 1st he was supposed to have a meeting with the LAPD to work on a project with them to prevent gang violence. And it seems like a logical reason, it’s not something we haven’t seen before, right? But, we did a little digging and we think that his death might actually be connected with Dr. Sebi. Wondering how?
What Is The Connection Between Doctor Sebi And Nipsey Hussle?
During an interview on The Breakfast Club (shortly before his murder), Nipsey talks about Dr. Sebi and he explains how he didn’t have the pleasure of meeting Dr. Sebi while he was alive, but that he did meet his wife. He also confirms that he takes Dr. Sebi’s products himself, and furthermore explains shortly how Dr. Sebi won his case on the Supreme Court – on record, for curing AIDS.
The interviewer speaks up and says he met Dr. Sebi and that he was impressed by his incredible vitality at age 72. As Nipsey explains how powerful Dr. Sebi’s life story is to be heard, and that he is revolted that nobody talks about it – he also says that he is working on creating a documentary for Dr. Sebi and his case, because according to him it’s a very powerful narrative. And, after this little mention of the documentary, and investing himself into creating the documentary, Nipsey was murdered. But why, why would they do such a thing? Isn’t curing HIV/AIDS a magnificent thing? Wouldn’t it be better for us to all use herbal medicine then, instead of pills that cause more harm than they do good? Unfortunately, our governments are not interested in curing anyone.
The modern medicine, pharmacies – everything is all just a big business for them to bring more money, and make them more powerful. When you are eternally trapped in the medical system, trying to get healthy but instead getting sicker, you are a lifelong customer. If they cure you, what do they have to gain? Herbal medicine has been around since the dawn of humanity. We have cured ourselves with herbs because that’s all that we had at the dawn of humanity. And it worked!
It worked then, and it works now. Mother Nature provides for us all. It always has, and always will. Dr. Sebi knew this because in the search for his own health modern medicine couldn’t help him get healthy so he learned herbal medicine for himself, cured himself, and then with that knowledge and years, and years of experience and research he started to cure others.
And that’s why he has been prosecuted his whole life, and in the end, arrested. He died at age 83 in prison. However, all those prosecutions backfired, didn’t they? They proved that even though the system in which we live is not meant to serve us, but rather the government, that even such a corrupt system can be beaten – fair and square. Naturally, the government doesn’t want you to hear about this.
They wouldn’t like to give you hope or ideas for a better tomorrow since it’s easier for them to control you when you are hopeless and in the dark. Nipsey understood this very well, which is why he was so keen on creating the documentary for Dr. Sebi. Unfortunately, the project stopped with his death.
However, the documentary was picked up by Nick Cannon, who wants to finish the documentary in honor of Hussle. And on April 1st, 2020 the very first trailer for the documentary was released! You can check it out here or below.