7 Amazing Honey Benefits You Need To Know About
Raw, natural honey is one of the subjects you keep hearing these days, right? If you are wondering what all the fuss is about, you are in for a treat because honey actually has a lot of benefits for your health! Wondering what they are? Keep reading:
1. Reduces blood pressure
One of the most important properties of honey is that it is rich with antioxidants. Antioxidants are very important because they can reduce damage in the body cells. Besides just lowering damage, certain antioxidants which are found in honey are linked with moderately lowering blood pressure.
2. Improves Heart Health
A common issue in today’s busy life is consuming too much unhealthy food. By constantly consuming unhealthy food, you are risking your heart health. The fast food that you like so much is actually often the source of increasing your cholesterol levels, which in turn can build up in your arteries, potentially clogging them and causing heart failure.
Scary isn’t it? Besides the obvious – lowering your intake on fast food, honey can also help you get your cholesterol back to normal. Honey has been proven very effective in lowering your bad cholesterol levels and increasing your good cholesterol levels.
3. Amazing for skincare
When it comes to skincare – honey is the bomb. You can make masks out of honey, use it for exfoliating by pairing it up with some sugar, and it can help in reducing acne on acne prone skins! Besides using it for beauty, honey is rich with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is also used for treating skin burns and wounds.
5. Natural Cough Syrup
There is nothing more annoying than catching a cold, or the fly and dealing with a persistent cough. It can leave you sleepless and takes the little strength you gathered while fighting off the disease. Next time you catch a pesky cold, take a few tablespoons of raw honey. Not only does it work as a natural cough syrup, but it also reduces the secretion of mucus!
6. Improve Sleep
Sleepless nights are the worst. You turn in your bed, desperately wanting to fall asleep, but somehow you can’t. Or you get a few hours of sleep, and then wake and can’t fall back to sleep. A simple solution to both issues is taking a tablespoon of honey before going to sleep. Honey has been proven to improve the quality of your sleep in just a few days and prevent you to wake up in the middle of the night.
7. Improving the immune system
If you feel like all the colds that pass by seem to stop by in your body lately, it might be a sign you’re your body’s immunity has been compromised. You can boost your immune system by consuming honey. Honey promotes the production of melatonin in the body, which in turn improves your immune system.