Don't Be Ashamed of Yourself, Smile Instead!
One of the most common things in life is criticizing yourself. Sure, there is no such thing as flawless, but have you been a little too rough on yourself? Maybe it even goes as far as not accepting the parts of yourself that you don't like. Well, we have some news for you: you are doing it wrong! Accepting yourself is very important if you want to lead a more fulfilled life. And there isn't anything worse than disrespecting yourself. But, we have something to tell you. In life, it's all about perspective. We think you have been looking at it the wrong way!
So, let's start first with your physical appearance. Do you always find a flaw in how you look? Maybe you gained some weight? Well, that's not a big deal, as long as you are healthy. The images you see from fancy models and people on Instagram are overedited. That's right, with today's technology, everyone can turn on photoshop and tweak some images. So, don't beat yourself up about how you look. As long as you are healthy, you will be absolutely beautiful!
But, let's go a little deeper. Maybe you don't like some parts of yourself. Maybe you are a bit clumsy or you stutter when you are nervous? So, what? Remember what we said? It's all about perspective. While the laughs of your colleagues and friends can be haunting, you are missing the bigger picture. In today's world, where everyone has their heads buried in their phones, looking desperately to connect to a person, in that haunting silence, you get to hear the emissary of joy - laughter.
So, don't ever be too hard on yourself. Be kind to yourself, and embrace all parts of yourself. Give yourself the love you deserve and let yourself be happy. Because happiness is a choice that you have to make!
Tune in to our blog to learn more about Self-Love!