Quick History of Independence Day

The Independence Day is the most well-known American holiday in the world. Yes, 4th of July is indeed an amazing day where all Americans get to celebrate their history. The fireworks, the celebrations with friends and family, the amazing barbeque, it’s something you can only live to tell. In honor of this amazing holiday, we have written a Quick History of Independence Day since it was signed on this very day! Let’s get into it:

Independence Day History

1770 – The high tax demands make the colonies start to make violent conflicts.

1775 – The Revolutionary War broke out in April. This was the start of the revolution. It all started as a rebellion against the big taxes the colonies had to pay to Great Britain. Then, the idea of independence was still considered radical.

1776 – The majority of the colonists came to realize that demanding their independence isn’t such a radical idea after all. The revolutionary war was still in full swing, but this is the time when the majority of the colonists didn’t felt as part of Great Britain anymore.

July 4th, 1776The Declaration of Independence is signed by all the colonists, and finally, the need for independence stirred to every colonist unanimously.

1777-78 – The battle of Saratoga becomes the turning point in American Independence history

1778-83 – Battle by battle both sides lost many battles. However, the war was at its final stages and drawing to a close. Finally, in late 1782, the British troops began to retreat and finally left America. The signing of the peace treaty finally signalized the end of the war, after eight long years.

Through each battle, the founding fathers, fought bravely so they can ensure that we as proud Americans, get to enjoy this wonderful era in this wonderful land! So, celebrate, enjoy, love and most importantly always help each other! Let’s not separate ourselves anymore, but rather unite each other, as fellow souls and Americans!

Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day History

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