Why is Feminism still needed?
As we all very well know, in human history there has been a lot of injustice. One of these injustices was in fact towards women which before the feminist movement started had no rights in the society. Men were the providers, the protectors, the better half – women were there to serve the men, be pretty, and god forbid they had an opinion. Basically they were servants that prolonged the line of the family tree. But thanks to the feminist movements that started in the 1920s, today we have quite the different society. Women work in whatever branch they choose, provide, they express their own opinions and they are allowed to vote.
While all this might seem as great progress, from the very beginning of the human race, the idea that women were inferior to men was pounded in humanity’s heads and that is not something that just goes away that easily.
While it may not be as severe as before, women are still thought of as inferiors even though it might not be as obvious and it may not even be on purpose sometimes. It’s just an unconscious idea that we all carry, whether we’d like to admit it to ourselves or not. That is unfair and not right, which is why we are thankful to all those women that stood in front of the White House and demanded their rights. But while that method was appropriate for that situation, how do you fight against an idea that has been seeded in the mind of the people of the world?
How should we change that belief system that is unconsciously sitting in our minds?
Well, we could start from ourselves by trying to change our perspectives men and women also. Men should stop underestimating women simply because they are women, and women should start appreciating themselves more. The change starts from us, it is within our power to change the world and the belief system and we should always strive to do so.
““Feminism has never been about getting a job for one woman. It’s about making life more fair for women everywhere. It’s not about a piece of the existing pie; there are too many of us for that. It’s about baking a new pie.”
- Gloria Steinem”
Of course, things can’t change overnight, but they won’t change either if we don’t plant a different seed in our minds. One that says: you are a human being, an individual, a fellow soul that is on journey on this world as am I. And when we start doing so, maybe in a decade or so things will change even more, maybe the future generations will see our today’s beliefs as silly and ancient history.