Mastering Your Mind 101: How to control your thoughts?


Your thoughts are powerful. And if you have been reading up on our blog, you know exactly why. But, with the way of life today, it’s pretty hard to gain control over your thoughts, if you don’t know how to do so. Don’t worry though because we have you covered. Here is how to control your thoughts:

How to control your thoughts?

1. Harnessing Mindfulness

The number one enemy when it comes to controlling your thoughts is going on autopilot mode. Unfortunately, most of us get by through life by trying to push through and we keep telling ourselves – just this day, just this week, over and over again, chasing for a better tomorrow instead of using the time that we have now in the present.

It’s pretty easy to let your thoughts wander off when you are trying to push through. Who has the time for thought control when you have so much to do every day, right? Well, this type of mindset won’t help you in controlling your thoughts. But harnessing mindfulness can help you. Mindfulness is a mindset in which you are focusing your awareness to the present moment.

How to control your thoughts?

It can be as simple as taking a few breaths, have a walk in nature and explore nature around you or even just paying attention to the things that are happening around you. By harnessing mindfulness you will shift your thoughts, towards what it is now and not what could or could not be in the future. You will accept yourself, your thoughts and become calmer, more peaceful and relaxed.

2. Meditation

One of the most powerful habits that you can develop for controlling your thoughts is definitely meditation. One of the most common misconceptions about meditation is that to be meditating you should clear up your mind and not let a single thought cross through your mind. While there are meditations out there that involve emptying your mind, the simpler meditations usually involve distancing yourself and allowing your thoughts to go with their natural flow.

By observing the thoughts crossing your mind while being distanced, you get to see yourself and your mind more objectively. You can see the truth, you can see the lies and most importantly, you can see yourself and understand yourself. By practicing different types of meditation, you can learn how to focus your thoughts on what is important and use them to your advantage. Meditation is a great way to tame your mind and wandering thoughts.

How to control your thoughts?

3. Practice makes perfect

If you want to gain better control over your thoughts, you can also use easy exercises every day. Practise makes perfect, right?

Exercise 1: Writing it down

Sometimes, your thoughts might be so chaotic that you don’t even know where to start. Don’t worry though, a simple way to resolve the chaos is to start writing things down, like a journal. You’d be amazed at how much clarity a simple journal can bring.

Exercise 2: Stop and breathe

If you think you don’t have enough time for meditation or harnessing mindfulness – you are wrong. You don’t have to transform yourself into a Zen Master to control your thoughts. You just need to stop a few times a day to focus on your breath.

Exercise 3: Remind yourself

It’s much easier to let your mind wander than to control your thoughts. But, everything is a habit in life, and step by step you can change your wandering mind. You can set up a few reminders over the day, to take a break and just observe your thoughts and understand them better. You can also wear your reminders like our Renew Collection. You are what you wear after all, right?

Tune in to our blog to learn more about our Renew Collection and Controlling Your Thoughts!