Introducing – the Slime Collection! Wait, what does Slime stand for?

Hello everyone!

We have worked hard the last few weeks and we are proud to present to you our new Slime Collection of hoodies and tees! Comfortable and eye-catchy, the Slime Collection is awesome for your every need. But, why slime? Wondering what it stands for? Well, we’ll give you a little background:


What is “Slime”?

According to our dear friend - the dictionary, Slime is a slang in English, often used by the younger population in both negative and positive references. Sometimes, slime is used to signify connection and closeness between two people that have reached a certain comfort level and sometimes, slime can be used as an insult.

Still wondering about the terminology?

When it comes to negative references, slime can be a pretty harsh word. You’ve heard it a lot probably, in many situations, slime is pretty offensive and degrading. So, how can such a strong word have also a positive side to it? How can you possibly use it as a compliment?

Well, picture this: You are sitting with your best friend, and you are talking about recent events. Suddenly your bestie drops a response to a situation, so cunning that makes you awe at how brilliant they are. They always were, but this just reaffirms it. The only thing you can respond with is: “Why, you little slime!”


When we were creating our Slime Collection, we wanted to make sure that these clothes will remind you of those priceless moments of closeness with your friends, family and loved ones. We wanted to remind you that our Slime Collection is not only comfortable to wear, but it also signifies a different, comfort, one that comes from deep connections between friends and family. We wanted our Slime Collection to remind you of all the joy, grins and laughs you shared with your bestie, and make it the perfect gift – one that only your bestie would understand how perfect it is.


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