7 Must-Know Natural Skin Care Tips

Sometimes, you put your make-up perfectly but it doesn’t look that good. Well, the issue might not be with how you are applying it, but rather with your skincare routine. If you want to up your skincare routine you don’t have to waste a lot of money. After all who needs expensive skin-care products, when the best ones are probably already in your home? Here are 7 must-know natural skin care tips that will make your skin look amazing easily:


1. Honey Face Mask

Honey is an amazing face mask. With its moisturizing properties, it will make your skin glow. Not to mention that it will also make it softer, gentler and revitalize it. All you need to do is to take some raw natural honey, and slowly, gently massage your face as you are putting it on. Then, relax for 20 minutes. After that, remove honey from your skin with water and gentle movements. Don’t rub your face! You will notice the difference immediately!

2. Makeup Remover & Lash Growth


If you are all about multitasking then this will be the best tip that we have for you! Create your natural eyelash and eyebrow serum from just two ingredients. All you need is 2tbsp coconut oil & 10 drops of lavender oil. Mix them evenly, and you are good to go! The best part is, you don’t have to set aside time for putting it on your eyelashes and eyebrows every night. Simply use it as a makeup remover for your eyes, and once you are done your eyelashes and eyebrows will already be covered with it! Two flies with one stone.

3. Honey Bath Soak


We mentioned that honey is a great skin moisturizer. If you want to improve the condition of your whole skin, then simply make a bath soak from honey next time you take a bath. Take 2 big tbsp. of raw honey and dilute it in warm water. Then simply add it into your bathwater, and soak in it for half an hour. Your skin will be divine!

4. Get Rid Of Under Eye Bags

Why give extra money for expensive concealers for your under-eye bags, when all you need is some chamomile? Simply make yourself some chamomile tea, and instead of throwing the tea bags out, put them in the fridge. Let them chill, and then put one on each eye for 5-15 minutes. Works like a charm!



5. Homemade Lip Balm

You don’t need special treatment care for making your lips look amazing. All you need is raw, natural honey. Simply put honey on your lips, and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Then wash it away. You can do this before applying your favorite lipstick to make it settle on your mouth perfectly!

6. Reduce Stress By Meditating

If you are under a lot of stress, your skin will show it, no matter how much makeup you use. So, to make yourself healthier in every possible way, including your skin, set aside a few minutes each day to meditate and reduce stress.

7. Make-up is great but…

You should do it for yourself. Not to maintain image before other people, not to pretend that you are perfect, but because you enjoy the process. Don’t turn putting makeup on into just another thing that you will hide behind. It’s art! So enjoy the process and do it for yourself.