Women's Equality Will Take Work

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Bustle recently published a fantastic article about Women's Equality presenting 7 mind-blowing statistics that make you certain there is a quite a bit of work left to be done for equality. We wanted to share it with you as there are still some people who do not believe in how much equal pay rights influence America as a whole.  Women need to have a bigger voice and paycheck to help our great country progress.  Anyone who does not advocate for this, is against the greater good of the world and the country. Be sure to read below and share with your friends!  The more people who know about these stats the more likely they will try to make changes.  

7 Statistics About Women's Equality In America That Show The Fight Is Far From Over

1.    32 Fortune 500 CEOs Are Women
2.    Women Make Up 1/5 Of Congress
3.    Women Are More Likely To Live In Poverty
4.    Economic Gender Equality Is Getting Worse
5.    Women Pay More 42% Of The Time
6.    Women Earn 79 Cents To A Man's Dollar
7.    10 Million Women A Year Are Victims Of Domestic Violence