What is Human Rights Activism about?
What are human rights?
Why are they important?
Why do these right have such a great effect on our society?
Well, the most basic definition of human rights is that they are rights that every person in this world has and should have. For example, every person has a right to have education, get married and be treated with respect and shouldn’t be degraded, tortured, enslaved or discriminated in any way. So basically being a decent human being towards people is considered as respecting the human rights. You might wonder why these rights had to be defined and published to the public, but throughout the history of the world and especially the one in the USA, there have been a tremendous amount of breaches of these most basic human rights.
““I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Martin Luther King Jr.”
A couple of hundreds of years ago, it wasn’t so unusual to enter someone’s property in America and see chained African people in their backyards. It also wasn’t unusual for people, later on, to use different restaurants or even toilets simply because of their skin color. It also wasn’t unusual for most of the women to be housewives and not to have a right to vote. As you can see these horrible events have stained the history of humanity simply because there wasn’t a specific law that prohibited such behavior, which pretty much explains the need to have these rights specified. Today, of course, things had changed quite a bit, but still, there are violations of these laws.
Prejudices still exist unfortunately but that is simply unacceptable.
We are all the same after all, and as one human being to another, we should always strive to help each other. Fight on people, even the tiny ripples we make today may end up to be huge waves in the future that will change the world for the better!