The Significance of I AM


When we are talking about spirituality and conscience. We are discussing the various levels of self that are comprised by a human being. One of an essential level is of self-determination and self-representation that is usually categorized as “I.” I basically represent a number of factors involved, i.e., it may stand for individuality, it can make you to stand out among others, helps you to quest for your self-esteem and sometimes shows the level of gratitude behind your actions. Talking about the self-determining aspects of the phrase “I am,” it can be stated as a representation of one’s individuality among others. It showcases the uniqueness and authenticity of the person. It also portrays the school of thoughts and mindset of the human being, according to which he/she moves in the world. It is basically the reflection of that inner person that is spirituality connected to you and helps you to categorize the rights and wrongs in the world. Though, being a small phrase yet this “I am” holds the potential to make you stand out on the basis of your personality and compassion.


If taken on the positive note, it helps you to dissolve all of your pride and ego along with the arrogance hidden in your personality. It helps you to accept all your defects and makes you to reach the truth hidden in personality. But if considered negatively, it has the potential to create havoc to your personality with the tons of ego, attitude, arrogance, and pride. It will impede the way for accepting your faults and make you feel like the only one or a one who knows all. It is where the problem starts. This “I am” makes you feel like no one is above you or they can never match you as you are the only one of your kind. Hence, your perception for this “I am” is what you need to know.

When it comes to the spiritual level of being, this “I am” stands out with extreme significance. The purpose of spiritual enlightenment of the human being is to make him/her aware their existence in the world. This “I am” helps them to find out their purpose of existence and their connection with the secrets of nature with which they can, in turn, lead a life full of gratitude and down to earthiness. Once you are up to that level of meditation, where you can connect with nature, you have reached the truth that is divine, non-temporal and eternal. It will make you to believe in the fact that you are here for a reason and once you have played your part you have to leave space for your next generations. This down to earthiness will lead you to a life which is pure from egotism, hatred, and arrogance that makes everything complex. So, people do believe in yourself and find out your reason for existence in this world; it will surely transform your perception for this multi-meaning phrase “I am.”